Saturday, September 21, 2013

Don and Ruth Community Nursary School

Community Nursery School built by TCAN
We went to Uganda as representatives of Trinity Community Aid Network, otherwise known as TCAN. Jim's parents, Don and Ruth Newville, founded TCAN, after they returned to Wisconsin, to continue assisting the communities they had served as Assemblies of God missionaries. In conjunction with this, Jacob Oboth and other Ugandans founded Community Aid Network Uganda (CAN-U) to administer TCAN-funded programs in Uganda. TCAN's focus is on education and health care.

Preschool Children and Teacher

One of TCAN's projects was the construction of a preschool in Muwafu. It was built with funds provided by TCAN and the Knights of Columbus from St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Altoona, Wisconsin. The villagers named it Don and Ruth Community Nursary School. It is now self-sufficient. It consists of two rooms, and employs two teachers and a cook. The school is open only in the morning. We visited it on our last day in Uganda, and the children sang for us.